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Raaz: The Epic Tale of Ramayana

Introduction The story of Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic that has been passed down through generations. It revolves around the life of Lord Rama…

Raaz: Can You Make a Duplicate of Yourself?

The Story of Rakht Beej Rakht Beej, a very powerful and dangerous demon who took over all the three worlds with his power. To defeat him, all the de…

Raaz: The Significance of Hanuman Janam Utsav

Celebrating Hanuman Ji's Birth Hanuman Ji is a great deity in Hindu religion, revered for his devotion, power, and loyalty. Every year, his birt…

DR: Is Our Country Falling Towards Dictatorship?

Introduction Hello, friends! As a true patriot who cares deeply for our country, it is critical to ask ourselves if our country is falling towards d…

DR: The Apollo 11 Moon Landing: Fact or Fiction?

Introduction In 1969, the world witnessed a historic event - the Apollo 11 mission and the first human steps on the moon. However, even after more t…

DR: The Rise of Bageshwar Baba and the Phenomenon of Conmen

Introduction Hello, friends! These last few weeks, a new Baba has entered the market. Bageshwar Baba. You’d wonder what’s special in this Baba. It’s …

Raaz : The Controversy Surrounding Kashi Vishwanath Temple and Gyanvapi Mosque

The Historical Significance of Kashi Kashi, also known as Varanasi, is a sacred city with a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It is b…

DR: The Truth About Feminism and Patriarchy

Introduction Hello, friends! Today, I want to dive deep into the topic of feminism and patriarchy. There seems to be a lot of confusion and misunder…

Interesting Facts You Probably Didn't Know!

Interesting Facts You Probably Didn't Know! Making Your Room Radiation-Proof Did you know that it is possible to make your room radiation-proof…

Is Our Country Falling Towards Dictatorship?

The Current State of Our Country Hello, friends! Is our country falling towards Dictatorship? One month ago when I asked you this question, obviousl…

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